Tuesday 6 August 2013

Wait, Tim's a track star?

Yesterday Tim was interviewed by Dale Clifford from the Peterborough Examiner about his storm chasing. When they originally had asked him to do this, we were thinking just a little blurb and a photo. But after the reporter was at our place for an hour and took four pages of notes during his conversation with Tim, we were more than a little curious as to exactly how this was going to play out. 

What we weren't expecting was a front-page 500+ word feature of Tim! Tim read out the online title to me this morning in the kitchen - "Local teacher hurtles into the eye of the storm." For some reason I thought 'hurdle' instead of 'hurtle,' which brought on all sorts of funny images of Tim racing maniacally into a thunderstorm, jumping over things. Oh, I'm so lucky, marrying such a famous man. @trollwag - the stormchaser that builds all the wood things. So much love.

If you want to read the full article, it should be up on the Peterborough Examiner's site for at least a week or so at this link: http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/2013/08/05/local-teacher-hurtles-into-the-eye-of-the-storm. Or you can go whole hog like we did and buy a copy to blackmail Tim with in the future. Pretty exciting stuff!


  1. That is awesome!! Congrats to Tim on his new found fame. Starting to think you're a glory hog - tv, newspaper...

    1. Ha - STARTING to think?! I need to find a way to transfer that TV clip from the DVR, though.
