Friday 9 August 2013

Butter tart for dinner!

Knowing that I had missed him SO MUCH while he was camping, Tim brought me butter tarts when he came home yesterday! They stopped at Swiss Bear Restaurant and Bakery in Apsley for breakfast and he picked up what was probably six butter tarts. There were four left by the time they made it to me, but four is enough. I'm not greedy or anything.

These were great butter tarts. I was worried at first that they were non-raisin ones, but Tim apparently knows that all real butter tarts must have raisins. 

Look at those raisins!! They were all plumped up from baking in the butter tart filling. The filling itself wasn't too sweet and was perfectly set. Not crunchy on top, but there was no drippage at all once they were cut in half. And the pastry was light and soft, but didn't sag at all . . . Can you tell I love butter tarts? I've had quite a few in my life, some of them pretty bad. But these ones from Swiss Bear were really, really good. I thought it was such a nice touch that their bakery labels for takeout said Wandering Bear! Good branding!

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