Tuesday 30 July 2013

Secret dreams

Or perhaps not so secret, since I'm sharing them online for all the world to see.

I occasionally have extremely vivid dreams. I used to have nightmares, but sometime after university, they changed. Now I'll have what would classify as a scary dream, but I'll somehow manage the situation during my dream. I've had a dream where men were trying to murder me, but I calmly managed to stay one step ahead of them. Or where I've fallen off a mountain, but then managed to grab a outcrop at a crucial moment. Or I've gone out indecently clothed in public, but everyone acts like I'm just normal. I guess I've always had a vivid imagination.

This morning I had a dream just before my alarm went off. I find dreams like this are the ones I remember best. Which is why I'm frantically typing a blog post, trying to get it down for posterity before 6:30 a.m. on a workday.

I was dreaming about the Ride for Heart, only it was a kind of off-road, obstacle-filled Ride for Heart. Not like the real Ride, which is done on the Don Valley Parkway and is actually a very nice, easy route. Except for the on-ramp at the 25 km turnaround, which just about killed me, but that's a story for another day. In my dream Ride for Heart, I was riding with Sarah and she was just ahead of me on a really narrow railroad bridge with sides. I was super tired and wanted to go slow, but for some reason my peddling was making me go faster and faster. So I passed Sarah as soon as we got off the bridge. I was biking through a rail yard on the water's edge with piles of ties everywhere. There was another slow kid in front of me who wouldn't get off to the side, so I went off the path and biked over a big pile of ties BMX style! Then I whipped around a corner, cut across an open patch of water, and then did a wheelie up about forty feet of stairs. I got about halfway up the giant set of stairs in the air before I started to lose momentum, but I managed to reach out and grab the railway, even though it felt like I was ten or twelve feet off of the stairs at that point.

Then my alarm went off and I woke up. I need to copy and paste all of this into a dream analyzer. Do I have a secret dream to be better than my sister? Hard, considering she's a successful planner in Edmonton flying all over the province for her job, in a relationship with a great guy where they always have crazy activities and travel planned, and she has more of her loans paid off than me. Which is pathetic, considering I graduated four years before she did. Maybe I have a secret ambition to be a trick bike rider, even though the few times I've gone offroad mountain biking I've been terrified of falling off or running into a tree.

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