Monday 9 June 2014

The Great Garden Experiment: Week 2

Week 2 was almost as eventful as Week 1 in the garden - check out my Week 1 post here. Unfortunately, most of the events resulted from various neighbourhood predators, mostly rabbits. Possibly one extremely fat raccoon.

Adorable sneaky little muncher.

Our poor parsley!
The cilantro looks the same as the parsley, only they didn't gnaw through the string there. And something unburied the seed potatoes from a few mounds, although it didn't appear to eat anything. Just dug them up.

As a result of the voracious wildlife, Tim spent some of yesterday afternoon building the Rollwagen Garden Compound. To build this, he bought 1"x24"x50' chicken wire from Home Hardware for $19.20. He also picked up a package of (25) 2"x2"x36" garden stakes and (4) 2"x6" pine boards from Kingdon Tim-Br Mart for $40.08. He's loving finally using the fancy Dewalt mitre saw we bought him for his birthday last year. 

The Rollwagen Garden Compound.

On a happier note, we've had both kale and Swiss chard seeds sprout this week!

Baby kale!

Summary to June 8th, 2014
Total cost of garden thus far: $339.29
Total harvest: Couple of tbsps of basil for pasta

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