Tuesday 17 September 2013

Morning walk to work!

I love being able to walk to work now! It's only 10 minutes from our new place to Savage. Even with the colder weather, I've been so happy. Especially since I walk across and along the river. I love the water and the dams. I love the birds - there are three herons and an osprey nest along my walk. Well, the herons aren't always there, but there's usually at least one of them and I love looking for them. I love to look for fish and think about how much my Mom would love it here. I like to watch the construction team at work rebuilding the one retaining wall on the bank. I love living in a small town again!

The river this morning as I walked to work. It was a one heron day today.

The osprey on it's nesting platform. I've seen both of the mating pair, but not the chick I've been told they have. Apparently it is mature now and flies around. They make the most noise of any bird I've ever heard - more than seagulls!

This photo from last week shows a two heron day - can you see them both?

Storm clouds over Savage a couple of weeks ago.

The crane lifting materials down to the work site for the retaining wall last week.

Friday night when Tim and I walked to the grocery store, we actually had a three heron day! Two on the south side of the bridge, and then this guy hanging out by himself on the north side.

All bundled up for the walk this morning. It was 0 degrees when we woke up and it's not much more than that now!

Have a great day!

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