Tuesday 3 September 2013

Mini Honeymoon Pt. 1 - Old Ormsby Schoolhouse

After going canoeing last Monday at the Hastings Resort, we decided to do a bit of exploring around the area before dinner. We drove through Orsmby into Coe Hill, where basically nothing was open (not that there is too much there to begin with). We did see signs for a flea market store that was open on Clayton Cove Rd. Tim really loves antiquing and flea markets, so we drove out. It was a bit like a scene from a psychologically terrifying horror movie. It was at the lady's house. It was mostly glassware and ceramics - some of which were really nice. Tim admired their tankard collection while I was coveting a cobalt blue glass pitcher. However, the woman followed us around this small, crammed old house, giving us unwanted marriage advice, as well as advice on where we should have held our wedding. She kept pressing pamphlets on us, both for her own store and various stores around the area. When she started to give us duplicate copies, I told her I already had some, but she said that she wanted us to have them anyways so that we could give them out to our friends. We left without buying anything, mostly because I was so uncomfortable with the whole situation - otherwise I really would have bought some of the cobalt glassware. When we tried to get out, she had locked us in with her! Tim even commented on it and she responded back that it let her keep people longer so that she had someone to talk to . . . *crickets* So. Creepy.

She did, however, in her reams of suggestions, point out that the Old Ormsby Schoolhouse was a great place to have lunch close by. She even gave us a brochure for them. It caught Tim's interest and was right beside the Old Hastings Mercantile & Gallery, which Tim and I had seen on our way into Coe Hill and had wanted to check out anyways. We went to the Old Hastings Gallery first and I'm so glad we did! It was the most amazing little gift shop, full of great old candy and neat products. We were drawn in right away by the incredible wood sculptures out front. If I had had an extra $350 in my pocket, the heron out front would have been coming home with me! I did buy hard taffy and a maple syrup candle (getting ready for fall!). The owners, Lillian and Gary, were so helpful and sweet - Lillian even gave us a sweet little gift after we told her we had just gotten married. We also bought our first Christmas present of the season here and I'm SO excited for Dean and Wendy to open it! I feel like we need to go back, though - there were a few other things we saw here that would make excellent gifts.

Exterior of the Old Ormsby Schoolhouse, located just off of Highway 620 east of Ormsby on Old Hastings Rd

The Old Orsmby Schoolhouse was just as great of a find/creepy suggestion. It was PACKED when we went in. We actually got the last available table. Their slogan is "'Educated Dining' and Tea House" and it was a perfect place to have lunch. The owners, Ernie and Debbie Pattison, restored a century schoolhouse for their wedding reception and then turned it into the restaurant. The open layout really encourages conversation. Tim and I got to talking with two separate tables, one about cottage country in Ontario (they were from Pennsylvania) and the other about how teaching in Ontario has evolved over the last fifty years or so. It's such a friendly place! The decor is adorable, too - lots of antique things to look at. The food was delicious and exactly what we needed on a cold, wet day. Tim had the Swingin' Shepherd's Pie and I had the  Scottish Pasta - MacRowknee and Cheese. Both came with the tea room's amazing scones, piping hot and heavily scented with nutmeg. We also both chose to have the spinach salad with strawberries and almonds on the side. I don't know why I don't buy poppyseed dressing more often. That salad was so amazing - I finished it before I even touched my mac and cheese. We coerced ourselves into sharing a piece of carrot cake for dessert and it was easily big enough for two. I'll risk not being allowed back, but the carrot cake was just a little on the dry side. Lots of cream cheese icing more than made up for that, though. I would definitely go back and would love to try the high tea. It comes on a three-layered cake plate and has fruit, scones with preserves and fresh whipped cream, tea sandwiches, and desserts. Tea is also available with every meal and they had a good list. Tim should drink tea more often, given how he was moaning over his. I also liked that they had more than a couple varieties of green tea. 

The quaintly beautiful inside of the Old Ormsby Schoolhouse and Tea Room

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