Tuesday 22 April 2014

Designing the Nursery: Picking a "Theme"

One of the questions that I was often asked about our wedding was, “What is your theme?” Unfortunately most people seemed stumped when I tried to explain that we didn’t really have a theme, or a particular colour scheme. I feel like people are having a similar reaction to the direction we’re going with the nursery.

I knew very early on in the pregnancy that I wanted the nursery to be wilderness themed. If we had been having a boy, it probably would have been more literal. Not camo – but actual camping gear. But since we’re having a girl, I love that I get to take that same wilderness theme and make it a bit more my style. I want it to be a good representation of both Tim and I – a space we both feel comfortable and happy in. The direction I’m going in is what I’m titling “Scandinavian Wilderness”. The original inspiration was the GRAN wallpaper from Fine Little Day:

Unfortunately Tim vetoed that as soon as he found out that it would cost us around $450 (eeek!) just to do a feature wall. My mother-in-law suggested we could get a very similar look by stenciling, but I know that we’ll probably have to be repainting down the road when Sierra (yes, we’ve named her already) is old enough to have tastes of her own. Painting over stenciling does not strike me as being particularly fun. I think you’d have to sand down all of the edges of the trees. I’ve used decals in a rental before, though, and absolutely loved how they applied and how they looked.

I wanted to source decals as locally as possible, so I looked up wall decal companies on Etsy located in Ontario. After sending out a few e-mails, I received a quick response back from Julie at iSignsDecalStudio in Kitchener. I sent her the photo of the GRAN wallpaper and asked if she’d be able to do something similar. She sent back this graphic of decals she had made in the past, which both Tim and I loved. The colours are so nursery-friendly! She’s sending us samples of the different colours of greens she has available so that we can customize the trees to how we want the room to look. I can’t wait to start picking out other items to go along with these!

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