Thursday 21 November 2013

Our Wedding: The Ceremony

Some people might say that Tim and I didn't put as much thought into our ceremony as we did to the rest of the wedding (namely the food!) I don't know that I could argue against that - our ceremony came together fairly effortlessly. While I was raised Catholic, Tim and I both recognize as being agnostic. We knew that we did not want a religious ceremony. Or a long ceremony! We also knew that we wanted Tim's uncle's partner, who is a minister, to marry us. It was really nice to be able to work within the family and he was amazingly helpful in finding the right ceremony for us and rewriting certain parts to fit us better. Tim and I both wrote our own vows and they were completely different! Tim did his the week before the wedding and they were very sweet, a little funny. Mine I based off of a Youtube video that I had seen, absolutely loved, and identified with in relation to mine and Tim's relationship. The video is called 'The Last' by Wong Fu Productions and it's worth a watch:

Here are some photos of the ceremony from our day!

Lots more photos after the jump!